Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Forever young: Top 6 anti aging foods

Fountain of youth lead to eternal youth; at least that's what mythology says. But how do we mere mortals achieve eternal youth without the fairies, witches or cosmetic surgery?
We give you the au natural ways to beauty that's timeless. Read on to find out the secret fruits and vegetables that hold the power to anti aging.

Cruciferous vegetables: It simply means cabbage, cauliflower, broccoli, radish and turnip. These veggies also offer the double bonus of helping fight cancer. One trick to eating cruciferous vegetables is eating them raw or lightly cooked, so the enzymes are not destroyed and they are still able to fight toxins and cancer.

Garlic and ginger: Garlic prevents influenza and the common flu while keeping vampires at bay!. It also stops cell degeneration and thins the blood. While ginger helps in smooth digestion by washing out the toxins. When it comes to aging, ginger helps rejuvenate our cells and stops damage.

Omega 3: Some suggest that if you want to increase Omega 3 for anti aging purposes, then decrease your intake of Omega 6, i.e. dairy and meat products. This could be a great bargain as you also reduce your chances of heart ailments, osteoporosis, arthritis and thrombotic stroke by increasing omega 3 intake. You can also boost your Omega 3 with walnuts and roasted or ground flax seeds.

Red wine: Not just a drink for the French or the Italians, wine is widely consumed in India as well. A glass of wine is all you need to juice up your damaged cells. Wine contains antioxidant that surround free radicals (or cells that damage healthy cells), and lessen any damage caused by them.

Indian Gooseberries (Amla): It's cheap and is a rich source of Vitamin C. We all know the benefits of this vitamin; it fights free radicals hence prevents aging and gives you glowing skin. Amla is the secret to clean skin, a healthy immune system and all while detoxifying the liver.

Tomatoes: Red juicy tomatoes can be eaten raw or cooked; you can include them in salads or grill them with a dash of olive oil, salt and pepper. It's a good thing that tomatoes are easily available in India; they protect us from the harsh sun and help us prevent wrinkles. Lycopene in tomatoes, protects the skin from oxidation.

Now that you have the Top 6 Anti Aging Foods, you don't have to rely on expensive anti aging lotions and creams. Go Natural!

Tuesday, July 8, 2014



10 foods that seduce


Improve your relationships and eat your way to an orgasm with the help of these aphrodisiacs...

Do you know what was common between Casanova, Cleopatra and the novelist Alexandre Dumas? They all used natural aphrodisiacs to increase their libido and to stimulate their sexual desires. Since time immemorial a variety of food has been associated with increasing fertility and sexual appetite. The term aphrodisiac is derived from the name of Greek goddess of love Aphrodite. The shape, taste and smell of a particular food item are taken into consideration while putting it into the love-food category. Majority of the food that are considered as aphrodisiac, resembles the human genetilia in some form or the other. There is a big debate over the potency of these aphrodisiacs. Sexologist, Dr Mahendra Vatsa says, "It is not known how effective these so called aphrodisiacs are, in increasing the libido, but they can surely arouse a person."

How effective these are, is still a big question but there are some natural substances that are believed to increase the desire and libido, in a person, since time immemorial. So here is a list of such foods that may help in bringing a positive change in your sex life.

Drinking wine in itself is an erotic and seductive process. Drinking it helps in lowering inhibitions and make people feel relaxed. Port wines which originate from Portugal is considered to be the most potent aphrodisiac. Not only in men, but wine is known to increase libido in woman aswell.Dr. Sheth says "it may be known as an aphrodisiac because it can decrease resistance from a woman's side or put her off her guards." But make sure that you don't drink any alcohol in excess as due to it's sedative properties it will only make you drowsy.

Not only because of its phallic shape but also due to its innumerable beneficial properties. A banana is packed with vitamin A, B and C and also potassium. Vitsamin B and potassium are known to increase sex hormone production in the body. A banana is also packed with Bromelain which increases the testosterone levels. High levels of sugar present in banana gives energy, which helps to last long.

It's believed that Aphrodite, rose in an oyester from the sea and gave birth to her son Eros and since then it is considered as an aphrodisiac. Also the oyester when cut open resembles the female genitalia. But the scientific reason behind it, is that oyesters contain high level of zinc which is required for testosterone production. Low level of zinc can cause impotence. So no harm in eating this seafood. Well, it is said that Casanova used to eat more than 50 oyesters a day, and we all know the results.

Garlic has allicin which helps in blood circulation. So if there is enough blood going to your groin there surely wouldn't be any problem related to erection. Studies also show that garlic can stimulate the production of nitric oxide synthase which is responsible for erection. They say that the way to a man's heart is through his stomach. So, next time you prepare the food put an extra dose of garlic in it.

This is one fruit which has been associated to both female as well as male sexuality. The fruit is voluptuous and feminine in shape but as the fruit hangs in pairs from the tree, they are often said to resemble the male testicles. The Aztecs used to call the avacado tree, the testicle tree. Avacado is a rich source of beta carotene, magnesium, vitamin E, potassium and protiens — all of these are good for your sexual appetite.

A fig when cut vertically seems to resmble the female sex organ. Since ancient times it has been associated with fertility. Figs contain vitamin A, vitamin B1, vitamin B2, calcium, iron, phosphorus, manganese, and potassium and these are known to decrease sexual weakness. No wonder, it was Cleopatra's favourite fruit.

In the 19th century bridegrooms in France were served three courses of asparagus just a day before their marriage. Asparagus is a rich source of potassium, vitamin B6, vitamin A, C, thiamin and folic acid. It is said that folic acid boosts histamine production which help both male and females to reach orgasm. Folic acid also helps in reducing birth defects, so, asparagus is good for a pregnant woman. Asparagus is also known to increase blood circulation in the genito urinary system.

Also known as the 'food of the Gods', chocolate has always been associated with sensuality and love. Phenylethylamine (PEA) and serotonin present in chocolate are also present in our brain and they increase our exitement and energy level. When we eat chocolate the level of both increases and lifts the mood. Anandamide along with PEA helps in reaching orgasm.

This sweet smelling herb is called 'kiss me Nicholas' in Italy. It is believed that basil increases sex drive and fertility. Basil has magnesium, iron, vitamin A, C and K. It relaxes blood vessels and prevents clotting in arteries, hence increases blood circulation. Basil is also known to cure all kinds of 'headaches' so, next time if you get this excuse its time to use basil.

Now this has to be an aphrodisiac because of its 'hot' properties. From bell peppers to the red chillies — all are considered aphrodisiacs. Chillies have capsaicin which increases blood circulation and heartbeats, raises body temperature and also produces sweat. All these symptoms occurs while having sex so this might be another reason for calling it an aphrodisiac. Capsaicin also helps in releasing endorphins and stimulates the nerve endings which makes which increases the pulse and makes the body sensitive.

It is said that just believing something as an aphrodisiac is strong enough to sexually arouse a person, or to increase his sex drive, performance and desires. But we think that there is no harm in trying these natural love foods as they surely won't harm, but do remember that too much of everything is bad.

Thursday, July 3, 2014

How to Write a Networking Email That Gets Responses


When was the last time you connected with someone on Twitter or a met a cool professional at a networking event? Did you do anything to follow up with them?

This week is National Email Week. To celebrate, why not focus on your networking efforts by sending out a few emails to professionals with whom you’d like to connect?

Email is still one of the most effective ways to connect with people, especially when 91 percent of people check their email every day. If you’re hoping to grow your network this summer, here are five tips for writing impressive networking emails that get responses:

1. Be human.

First things first, never start a networking email with “To Whom It May Concern.” This is one of the most old-fashioned, impersonal ways to address a person.

Networking emails are meant to establish a new relationship, so be friendly with your approach. If you’re struggling to find someone’s name and email or feel stuck when introducing yourself, there are a few things you can do.

First, to find a person’s name, scour LinkedIn, their employer’s website, and social media. Typically, you can find employees listed on the “About Us” page of a company website.

If you already know a person’s name but can’t find their email, you can always try using various combinations of their name with Using this strategy may cause some emails to bounce back if the email doesn’t exist, but it’s a good start.

When you’re ready to write your email, here’s an example of how you can format your introduction:

Hi Sarah,

Thank you for connecting with me on LinkedIn last week. It’s such a pleasure to meet you!

2. Feed their ego.

A great way to capture someone’s attention is to flatter them with your email. For example, you can highlight one of their accomplishments that impressed you or something you admire about them. This is a great way to show you’ve done some research and that you’re genuinely interested in building a relationship with the person.

For example:

Hi Sarah,

Thank you for connecting with me on LinkedIn last week. It’s such a pleasure to meet you!

I saw your article published on LinkedIn about career development for Millennials and thought it offered some great advice. I was wondering if we could speak further about your thoughts on job search tips for Millennials.

3. Be concise.

Let’s face it -- we’re all busy people. No one has time these days to read through an email the length of a blog post.

When sending a networking email, it’s extremely important you keep it short and sweet. Once the recipient opens your email, they should be able to skim through it and respond within a few minutes.

Here are some key points your networking email should touch upon:

    Introduce yourself and explain your purpose for reaching out.

    The recipient’s interests (such as their job) and why you want to get to know them.

    A call to action. For example: Do you want to meet for coffee or set up a phone interview?

    Finally, politely close your email.

4. Grab attention with your subject line.

One of the biggest challenges of sending networking emails is actually getting people to open them. According to MailChimp, email subject lines that are timely and imply quick action receive a 93 percent open rate.

The subject line is your opportunity to make a positive first impression and get the relationship off on the right foot. To grab the recipient’s attention, make sure your message has a sense of urgency with a personal touch.

Here are some example of effective networking email subject lines:

    Ball State University Grad Seeking Job Shadow

    Following Up from Friday’s Networking Event

    Informational Interview Request -- John Doe

    Accounting Professional Seeking Career Advice

5. Be patient, yet persistent.

Corporate email users receive an average of 120 emails per day. So, after you send a networking email, give the recipient seven to 10 days to get back to you. Keep in mind it’s easy for emails to get lost in inboxes. This period gives the recipient enough time to go through their inbox and get back to you. If they don’t get back to you, then it’s appropriate to send a follow-up email.

Networking emails are a great strategy for any Millennials job search. By following these tips, you’ll spark more relationships and even make connections that could lead to future job opportunities.

What tips do you have for writing an effective networking email?