Saturday, August 30, 2014

List of the books referred by Zig Ziglar in his book See You at the Top

I have listed the books which are referred by Zig Ziglar in his book See You at the Top .
Hope this list may be helpful for you :),

1.William Glasser M.D. "Schools Without Fail"

2.William Glasser M.D. "Reality Therapy: A New Approach to Psychiatry"

3.David A Ray "Discoveries for peaceful living"

4.Soloman "Old Testament, Book of proverbs"

5.William Cook "Success, Motivation and the scriptures"

6.Covett Robert "Human Engineering"

7.Robert Schuller "Self Love"

8.Bruce Larson "The one and only you"

9.Muriel James, Dorothy Jongeward "Born to Win: Transactional Analysis with Gestalt Experiments"

10.Mildred Newman, Bernard Berkowitz and Jean Owen "How to Be Your Own Best Friend"

11.David Dunn "Try Giving Yourself Away"

12.Og Mandino "The Greatest Salesman in the World"

13. Harry Lorayne, Jerry Lucas "The Memory Book: The Classic Guide to Improving Your Memory at Work, at School, and at Play"

14.James C. Dobson "The New Dare to Discipline"

15.James C. Dobson "Hide or Seek" (If you have children both of these books are must)

16.Dale Carnegie "How to Win Friends and Influence People"

17.Mary Catherine Crowley "Moments with Mary"

18.Mary Catherine Crowley "Think Mink"

19.Maxwell Maltz "Psycho-Cybernetics"

20.Leroy Brownlow "Making the Most of Life"

21.Aubrey Andelin "MAN OF STEEL/VELVET" (For Man Only)

22.Marabel Morgan "TOTAL WOMAN" (For Women Only)

23.Larry Cristonson "The Christian Family"

24.Dale Carnegie "How to Stop Worrying and Start Living"

25.David J. Schwartz "The Magic of Thinking Big"

26.Robert Schuller "Move Ahead with possibility Thinking"

27.Marie Beynon Ray "the impotence of feeling Inferior"

28.F. J. Bruno "Think Yourself Thin"

29.Norman Vincent Peale "The Power of Positive Thinking"

30.Dr. Napoleon Hill & William Clement Stone "Success Through a Positive Mental Attitude" 

31.Charles E. Jones "Life is Tremendous"

32.Sammy Hill and Charles Poul conn "Hooked on a good thinking"

33.George Zeboim Patten "You Too Can Stop Drinking"

34.Bob Richards "The Heart of a Champion: Inspiring True Stories of Challenge and Triumph"

35.Bill Glass "Positive Power for Successful Salesmen"

36.Alex Osborn "Applied Imagination - Principles And Procedures Of Creative Writing"

37. Joost A, Meerloo "The Rope of Mind"

38. David Wilkerson, John Sherrill and Elizabeth Sherrill "The Cross and the Switchblade: The Greatest Inspirational True Story of All Time"  

Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Superfoods to cut belly fat


Battling stubborn belly fat? Try the following superfoods to Cut belly fat and inflammation.

Green tea: This mild beverage is great for helping shrink your waistline as well as for decreasing inflammation. The flavonoids in this tea have natural anti-inflammatory properties. And the compound EGCG in green tea has been shown to help reduce body fat.

Foods rich in Omega-3: Research has shown that a diet with a high percentage of omega-3 fatty acids and a low percentage of omega-6 fatty acids has been linked with decreased inflammation. Food sources of omega3s include walnuts, flaxseed, and fish, such as wild Alaskan salmon.

Garlic: Consume garlic as a natural antibiotic and blood sugar regulator. By controlling blood sugar and insulin level, your body can maximize fat burning for energy, resulting in reduced belly fat. Garlic is also a thermogenic that boosts metabolism.

Mint: Add one tablespoon honey, a pinch of pepper, and some crushed mint leaves to a cup of hot water. Let it to steep for five minutes. Strain and drink the liquid to get a flat tummy. Mint soothes the abdomen while honey and pepper dissolve the fat and boost metabolism.

Cinnamon: Cinnamon works as a great fat burner. Take ½ tablespoon of cinnamon powder and steep it in water for five minutes. Add 1 tablespoon of honey after straining the cinnamon water. Drink this before breakfast and before going to bed.

Watermelon: Watermelon contains 82 per cent water, which helps your stomach not to crave for food. Watermelon is rich in vitamin C, which is beneficial for health. It is one of the healthiest foods to have if you are planning to go on a healthy diet. It is also a good mid-day snack.

Apple: Eating apple regularly can help in fighting many diseases and it can also help in reducing the fat from your belly. Apple helps your stomach to feel full because it contains potassium and many vitamins. So, eat an apple in breakfast to get the desired tummy size.

Bananas: Like apples, bananas are also rich in potassium and contain multivitamins. They are filling and help you to resist the cravings for fast food. Moreover, banana boosts the metabolic rate, thereby melting the belly fat.