Friday, November 28, 2014

Daily habits of happy people


We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence then, is not an act but a habit, according to Greek philosopher Aristotle. The world is changing faster than you can wrap your head around new ideas, but the keys to happiness and success are timeless.

Practise visualisation: Keeping your eye on the prize will keep you motivated, no matter what hurdles come your way .Set clear, action-oriented goals down on paper and visualise yourself achieving them. It's a key habit emphasised on in several classic self-help books.

Face challenges: Replace the word problem with challenge and you'll witness the wealth of opportunities that a perceived setback offers. This simple paradigm shift will have you applying your skills and talents, learn ing new things and becoming part of the solution rather than a hindrance to the people around. Truly happy people don't bury their heads in the ground like an ostrich in times of crisis; rather, they go where the action is and face the war zone with the chin up.

Know your strengths: Successful people know what they are good at and also where their weaknesses lie. Do a SWOT (strengths, opportunities, weaknesses and threats) on yourself so you have faith in your own abilities. Self-belief and confidence will give you the inner guidance to establish the routines and habits that will put you on the road to success.

Get quality sleep: Sitcoms, movies, books and partying keeping you up till the wee hours? Staying up late may sound fashion able, but consider the health hazards of sleep deprivation -a grumpy and foggy you the next morning. So, get an average of eight hours of sleep a night so you wake up re-energised.

Make exercise a habit: Truly successful people understand that not only is exercise good for your body and heart, it also pumps more oxygen to the brain, releases happy hormones and improves your state of mind. Irrespective of whether it's a brisk jog in the park or a serious weight-bearing exercises at the gym in the evening, daily exercise boosts overall well-being.

Read widely: Reading nourishes the mind. Pick up the newspaper in the morning, unwind with a novel before bedtime or read self-help books during your break to sharpen your mind and gain perspective.

Dress right: What you wear affects how you feel about yourself and your general conduct. Wear neat, clean, work-appropriate clothes to get in the right mindset, depending on your plans for the day .A neat and clean appearance will also create a good first impression for associates in work-related interactions.

Don't hold grudges: Instead of lifting you up and having you experience the lightness of being, grudges will weigh you down and rob you of energy and precious time. Make it a habit to forgive someone new every day. You'll be able to move forward in life and focus on the things that really matter. Don't forget to forgive yourself every day for mistakes you could've avoided, and also the things you wanted to, but didn't do.

Be kind: Simple acts of kindness will brighten your day. Be kind to people wherever possible, for instance, opening the door for someone or greeting the person in the building lift with a warm smile.

Thursday, November 20, 2014

8 Waxing Tips For Beginners At Home


No one wants to live in the hustle and bustle of the daily life routine unless he gets some comfort away from these regularities. Some want their bodies to be relaxed as well as their minds. So one of the main thing for the relaxation of body is Waxing. Yes it is!!
For this, we met a pro aesthetician and she told the best waxing tips so that we could share that with you. She further told about the different wax types available for different skin types.

Further she gave us the following tips:

1.Make sure that your aesthetician knows that if you are using over-the-counter topical exfoliating product or dermatologist prescribed products like Retin-A to ensure that your skin is ready for waxing.

2.Know about your wax type. Different type of wax are available on market, so choose the one that suits your skin best. Soft wax is used for sensitive and larger areas and it’s the most familiar. On the other hand French wax is used on the smaller areas. It is applied hot and then left to be cooled to remove.

3.Check if your aesthetician is using the old or used applicator and make sure that he/she is throwing it away after it touches to your skin with wax.

4.If you don’t want your hair grow earlier, then have wax more often so hair will no grow back.

5.Avoid waxing at sunburn area. If you do so then your skin will likely come off leaving your body.

6.If your skin is more sensitive for wax then lay off the alcohol and caffeine for a few hours before wax. Stay hydrated.

7.For making the wax easier for your aesthetician as well as for you, you should have shower in a little hot water, which open pores of your skin that makes the removal of hair much easier.

8.If your skin turns red while wax then rub on some Aloe Vera gel or tea tree oil to reduce inflammation

Saturday, November 15, 2014

5 money mistakes to avoid


If you want to be wealthy, there's no shortcut route. You have to focus on your goals and be realistic and prepared to take risks. While building your wealth, make sure you avoid these money mistakes...

1. Spending more than you earn: Remember grandmother's words of wisdom -- cut your coat according to your cloth. So, financial prudence comes with wise spending. You might think it's very easy to follow but spending patterns of people show that it's not easy (considering the usage of credit cards and different enticing schemes available at lifestyle stores and supermarkets), many of us go beyond our means even without realising it. To curb the urge to spend more than what you earn, maintain a budget and then track it closely.

2 Buying things you do not need: "If you buy things you don't need, soon you will have to sell things you need." ~ Warren Buffet. The second point directly flows from the first one. Don't be a maximalist and keep on buying everything that you catches your fancy. Spend on what adds value to your life but don't buy just to impress others.

3. Not having a financial plan: Planning is very essential for achieving your financial goals. So, if you want to have a financially sunny life, then stick to a financial plan. Make sure that your finances grow in times of high inflation.The trick lies in making investment even if your income is not high by common standards.

4. Don't put all the eggs in a basket: Diversify your investment. Come out of your comfort zone. Be financially aware and understand the nuances of investment. Don't follow suggestions blindly. And the most important ways to increase your wealth is to have a diverse portfolio.

5. Don't be in a hurry: Look before you leap: Understand before you put in your money. The same goes for spending too. Don't follow trends blindly and become a victim of consumerism.

3 simple exercises for a flat tummy


Want that enviable washboard ab? Practicing these moves regularly will help you.

Don't want to end up injured or exhausted? Don't overdo things on the workout front. Instead, aim for a brisk 20-minute walk every day to burn fat, plus do the following exercises to help tone your abdominal muscles.

Bicycle crunch: Lie down with your back pressed onto the floor. Bring your hands behind your head. Starting with your legs bent at a 45-degree angle, bring the right knee into the chest while straightening out your left leg. At the same time, rotate your top half so your left elbow goes to your right knee, then switch to the other side. Repeat for one minute,three times a day.

The boat: Sit on the floor, with your knees bent and feet flat and tilt back, extending your legs so your body forms a right angle. Pull your abs in to balance. Extend your arms at shoulder height past your knees. Hold for five slow breaths and return to your starting position. Repeat five times a day.

The plank: Lie face down then lift yourself up on to your toes and forearms, with your elbows bent at 90 degrees. Keeping your core muscles -— your stomach and bottom — tight and your legs straight, hold for 10 seconds. Repeat three times a day, gradually building to 40 seconds each.

Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Five ridiculous sex myths


You'll be surprised in this day an age, the kind of sex fables that are still somewhat believed by some people. Here are a few that straddle the point between ridiculous and hilarious.

If a guy can easily cross his legs while seated, it means he has a small penis
There are some ladies who think that if men are able to easily cross their legs while sitting, it means that they are not substantially endowed in the trouser department. The sense behind this myth seems a bit comical. The rationale being that if a man had a huge pair and a big member, he would not be able to cross his legs without 'discomfort'. So, according to this myth, sitting cross-legged is a woman's sole prerogative and the men needn't bother. Meanwhile, all you guys, the next time you are at a pub or looking to hook up with someone, just don't cross your legs! You'll never know which potential damsel might be, er, 'evaluating' you.

The more sex a woman has, the bigger her butt becomes
Here's another one that borders between the kind of myth that surreptitiously circulates among some women and is a hilarious joke. That a man can tell a woman is promiscuous because the size of her ass. Apparently, due to the mechanics of sex, the more sex she has, the bigger her behind becomes. So, ladies, the key to losing weight is not apparently abstinence from food, but staying away from some good old fashion fun in the sack. Yeah, right!

The 'friction' function
Here's another hilarious myth that is surprisingly present even during these modern, enlightened times. If a woman has a lot of sex, her partner will not be able to enjoy the act of lovemaking due to inadequate friction. Sounds pretty hilarious, but there are some girls who are even advised to abstain from sex for a period of time so that these parts of their anatomy can 'recover' for a while. One supposes that the progenitors of this silly myth had skipped biology class during school.

Guys who have bigger hands/nose/feet have large 'members'
Ladies, when was the last time a gent shook hands with you? Did you find yourself checking out the length of his digits? Did the length of his phalanges make you wonder about the thickness and length of his phallus, so to speak? Well, that's a load of nonsense. Let a handshake be just a handshake, please!

Men with ample chest hair are ferocious sex-beasts in bed
The amount of chest hair you gorilla, er, man sports has no impact on how much he will make you moan and scream in ecstasy. If he has a chest-mat to rival Austin Powers, it might look attractive, and appeal to the primeval parts of some women, dating back to the cave man days. But honestly, the amount your furry beast can ignite your passions has no bearing on how blessed he is in the follicle department.