Wednesday, January 4, 2017

Your January Action Plan: 10 Tips to Build Your Best Future


This year, make your efforts count.

Your Action Plan is a monthly to-do list of tips straight from SUCCESS magazine—10 things you can do right now to improve yourself and your life.
This month, start fresh by leaving your old, unproductive habits in 2016. Make the new year about polishing your strengths, your bank account and anything that will bring you closer to having the best year of your life.

1. Live Courageously

Fear is a natural and necessary part of growth. Choose to embrace uncertainty by reminding yourself what you lose when you give in to your fears.

2. Articulate Your Happiness

Write down your top five happiness goals. Be specific. For example, if you want to be more present and supportive in your relationships, list out each action step to get there.

3Alter Your Mindset

Whenever you encounter a problem, make a list of the positive ways you could perceive it. Focus on those good thoughts and watch your happiness increase.

4. Practice Deliberately

Tonight, list your three biggest weaknesses. Select the one holding you back the most and make a plan to improve a little each day. Change doesn’t happen overnight; be patient but persistent.

5. Reflect

This week, make time to hike a new trail or visit a nature preserve. Leave technology at home and revel in the opportunity to reflect on your life free from distractions.

6. Find Your Strengths

Analyze your greatest successes. Identify what you did to accomplish those goals and how it was different from the times you failed. Commit to implementing that skill every day.

7. Choose Wisely

Struggling with making sound decisions? Gather as many facts as you can, and surround yourself with trusted peers before making your next big decision.

8. Impact Others

Money is a great tool to ensure a life of opportunities, but it can’t provide happiness. Focus your efforts on impacting the lives of those around you to create happiness in your life and theirs.

9. New You

As you plan your New Year’s resolutions, list three levels of your goal: A, B and C. Dream big on A, but stay realistic with B and C. Don’t forget to celebrate your milestones, no matter how small.

10. Be Accountable

Write down every dollar you spend to identify bad habits. Focus on reducing or eliminating one category. Store those savings for unexpected hardships.