Try giving yourself a “Spiritual Face Lift.” It is more than
a play on words. it opens you up to more life, more vitality, the “stuff” that
youth is made of. You’ll feel younger. You’ll actually look younger. Many times I
have seen a man or woman apparently grow five or ten years younger in appearance
after removing old emotional scars. Look around you. Who are the youthful
looking people you know over then age of of forty? The grumpy? Resentful? The
pessimist? The one who are “soured on the world,” or the cheerful, optimistic,
good-natured people?
Carrying a grudge against someone or against life can bring on the old age
stoop, just as much as carrying a heavy weight around on your shoulders would. People
with emotional scars, grudges, and the like are living in the past, which is the
characteristic of the old people. The youthful attitude and youthful spirit
which erases wrinkles from the soul and the face, and puts a sparkle in the
eye, looks to the future and has a great expectation to look forward to.
So, why not give yourself a face lift? Your do-it-yourself
kit consists of relaxation of negative tension to prevent scares, therapeutic
forgiveness to remove old scars, providing yourself with a tough (but not hard)
epidermis instead of a shell, creative living, a willingness to be a little
vulnerable, and a nostalgia for the future instead of the past.
Psycho-Cybernetics does not say that man is a machine. Rather,
it says that man has a machine he uses."
This post is a topic with above heading copied as it is from the book "Psycho-Cybernetics" by Maxwell Maltz , I sincerely recommend everyone to buy and read, and follow the exercises give by the Author.