Remind yourself how much you have to learn
Stop trying to prove yourself right
“The code works” isn’t where you stop; it’s where you start
Write it three times
Read code. Read lots of code
Don’t just idly think about these steps. Write out your answers, whether in a personal journal, a blog, in a code review process, or a community forum with other developers. Just as explaining a problem to a friend can help you sort out the solution, writing down and sharing your analysis can help you understand why you react to another person’s code in a given way. It’s all part of that introspection I mentioned earlier, helping you to dispassionately judge your own strengths and weaknesses.
Write code, and not just as assignments
Work one-on-one with other developers any way you can
Learn techniques, not tools
You write clean, reusable code that’s easier to read and test.
You understand how your code helps drive the overall business.
You listen more than you speak—or you at least listen before you speak.
You are disciplined.
You’re able to deeply focus on the right thing.
You are a persistent problem-solver.
“Be stubborn—some problems are very hard,” Mendy points out. “With enough time and research there is always a solution, and finding the solution to a hard problem is the best feeling.”
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