Thursday, September 11, 2014

Top 10 Rituals You Need To Implement to Change Your Life


1.Make sure the change you want to make is linked to a purpose you hold true.  This is a must… if it’s not there, the change won’t stick.  There’s a reason February is where gym memberships go to die.

2.Understand the current habit, and write down what you will do over a 30-60 day span to be remarkable with the change.  Not average, and not 4 stars out of 5, but REMARKABLE.

3.Understand who you have around you that will help hold you accountable for the change you want to make.  Enroll them in the process, and be ready to be challenged by them, if needed, to overcome setbacks.

4.Understand you will have setbacks, but power through them with the help of others and your own tie between the change and your purpose.

5.Do it.  Whatever it is, do it.

6.Rinse and repeat.

7.Have a checkpoint mid-way through.  Are you doing what you thought, in the way you thought you needed to?  Is the tie to your purpose still strong?

8.Evaluate.  Change course if needed – it’s OK.  But be honest with yourself.  If it’s fear, that’s where your team helps you push through.  If it’s something else, think through it.

9.Celebrate when your Habit has turned into Ritual… when you don’t have to think about doing the change anymore because it’s part of who you are.  Your 5% has now moved to your 95%.

10.Pick your next change, and start the process over.