Monday, September 22, 2014

Ways to beat boredom in your relationship


If you've been in a relationship too long, boredom is bound to creep in at some point. Here's how to keep boredom away from your love

Let's be practical, just because you love each other does not mean that it doesn't get boring between the two of you, in fact, many smooth sailing relationships can fall prey to boredom and go kaput.

Here are some fun ideas you can use to bring the spark back in.

1. Learn something new, that neither of you have ever done. It could be dance classes or even paragliding, snorkeling, rifle shooting or anything! Just has to be something the two of you learn from scratch together. It will make you feel like a team and strengthen your bond.

2. Take to the road and go someplace new. Traveling and holidaying together can reinvent your relationship like nothing else. And what better way to rediscover love than taking a road trip and creating new memories! Instead of flying out to some exotic place, the two of you could just drive down to the nearest holiday spot. The journey should be just as much fun as the actual vacation would be.

3. You might be bored of hanging out with the same circle of friends, its either your friends or his/hers that you make plans with on every weekend. Well, this time try making new friends, getting to know a newer set of people. You will together have a chance to share the lives of strangers.

4. Try staying away from each other for a bit - for real! Just take a weekend off from each other - no texts no calls no mails either - and when you find yourself missing your favourite person, you might want to just run back to them. You will appreciate why you love them.

5. Read the same book and have a discussion over it - a lot of couples with a long healthy relationship do this to keep things interesting. When you find it hard to strike up a conversation, steer clear of the mundane everyday life details of each others' lives and get into a hot discussion about something you both really feel strongly about